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Miracle in the world of artifacts - St. striker version - arcade mop

vs. Golden general machinery equipment

Artifact you like? Be considered a real artifact of how the type of equipment? 7 orders and 12 sophisticated weapons and sophisticated armor band 9 or 12 Modi? Cases, in the past, the answer to this question is certainly yes. However, disclosure is entirely logical that all of subversion, and the miracle of the world's first piece!

Order 7 days 9 band 12 armor and +12 weapons, gold, and equipment and, in fact now be regarded as valuable artifacts. If you look from outside, the design of more sophisticated equipment money, sophisticated accommodation in line with the occupational characteristics of each profession; one as long as people fancy, you stand to leave those beautiful eyes not.

Equipment (equipment versus a typical gold figure)

Equipment, gold filled with top-level device, not just the best appearance of tyrants, making comparisons with its normal equipment, and then surprised the difference between Christian Jin! Today, our equipment and gold Sanshuta, general machinery, let's look at the huge differences that exist between them.

Compare Armor

Sentorozusutoraikasetto (12) Sentosutoraikagorudenfarukonzu (12) sensitive parts of body

Evaluation of the defenders that require physical agility requirements necessary to protect the physical agility

Armor 12733213117019678

Shoulder 12132913016219376

Helmets 11632612915519174

Leggings 11032212814718872

Boots 10831912714318670

Hand 10431512613818468

Belt 10231212613518466

9230912512117964 shirt

Comparison arm

Be required level of agility and physical attacks that require a physical attack agility requirements

One one hand crossbow 110-126342133132-15316080

Gun to force 152-215342133191-27316080

(Note: these sophisticated devices (Papurupakku), you play the maximum number of categories)

Comparison of the table, we said, if the players, the Golden Falcon 267 facilities in 12 points for the distribution of attribute points, you can see that the maximum available to save these other attributes. Comparison, the attacks increased to 58 in our defense that will be 291 to upgrade.

Whether the appearance of real strength, rather than money or equipment, the equipment has a common condition now up to the actual worth of the name of Kamijina. If you are seeking the perfect piece? And how is Kamijina giving up the chance to collect this set?

To learn how, see how to build a gold and equipment: sun.the9.com/news/main/80120.shtml

How, please refer to money or equipment to enhance: sun.the9.com/news/main/80197.shtml

Gamers love and support, most of the world (days) Thanks for the miracle! To that end, our goal is to forever enjoy the game from the general audience!

We have been working hard! Online games during peak hours, free, free, play! World with you (days) and to grow together as a miracle!

"Buradditawamauntokameru" Come! We launched the world's first miracle of the Ministry of Information film! Subversion is that you can see!



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"あなた?黒手を知っている場合、その人がどんな考えプレー気にしていないのか理解できますか?"ブラック驚いていた黒い手が死亡した。チャーミングな笑顔のヒントと冷戦雨の暗黒面を殺すために来た。を見ながら"私の夫は、放蕩息子の接触時間を見つけていないばか者と思われるが、常に活用するか""はい、私はなぜたびに、彼が帝テ投真似行っていないだろうか?"黒の手はまだ保持し、その愛想のいい笑顔、ビューの勝ち点を与えた。 "放蕩これで、私たちは、私たちは、実際にゲームをプレイ、このゲームをプレイされていると言うけど、彼は本当に!再生、ゲームの演技の独自のスタイルを持ってゲームをプレイすると、表面にはありません、彼は脳の馬鹿馬鹿していないする!あなたはそれについて、彼は本当にこのような馬鹿オンラインゲーム業界は、ビッグアップルで、このような素晴らしい評判?彼を知っているので、長年にわたって、私はずっと彼のゲームで高ているスタイルのことができると思う

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